F.A.R.M. April/May Newsletter
Let’s get those tractors out of the barn and get them
ready! Our Club events will be starting this month. There will be a list
of events on our website, www.thefarmclub.org.,
and on our facebook page.
We are accepting applications for our Jump Start Program, for club members 14-18 years old. Please go to our website for
more information, or call Jim Hurst at 877-2765 or 623-4183.
Our new lights and sled monitor are in. The bailer is getting fixed, and the
new announcers stand will be getting started soon. If you would be interested
in volunteering to help for these projects, please contact one of our directors
This year the Tractor Trek 2016 will be June 18th. The ride will be 40 miles
long. So plan on attending and having a great time.
Our next Club meeting will be June 5th at 6:00pm at the Warren County
Fairgrounds. We would love to see more Club members attend our meetings.
Meet new people and have a good time! Hope to see everyone there.
Here are the Club Events for May
May 7th- Community Days at the Warren County Career Center
10am-2pm (Tractor display)
May 7th- Clermont County Tractor Ride. Begins at Fayetteville
High School. For information contact Tom Rodgers 937-728-9323
May 14th -Fun Pull at Oeders Lake
May 21st- Lebanon Electric Tractor Display 9am-2pm Bring your
tractors for display. There will be a cookout and entertainment by Joe Isaacs. Trailer parking in the field behind the building.
For questions contact one of our directors:
Jim Patterson: 513-234-7927 or jpatterson7337@hotmail.com
Jim Hurst: 513-877-2765 or 513-623-4183
Roger Walker: 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com
Dave Siebert, treasurer: 937-603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com
Regina Flynn, secretary: 513-266-7414 or Flynn_regina@yahoo.com